Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Worth Reading...

"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” Galatians 4:4-6

Links worth taking a look at:

An Adoption Story
Our friends adopted this precious baby last week, check out this sweet slide show of the placement.

A New Normal
Friends and former classmates from college are in Ukraine currently adopting this 11 year old boy.

I Don't Want My Kids to be Happy

An insightful post about why one family is making some sacrifices to adopt.

A Letter from Karina
A letter written by a former Ukranian orphan about the change that the Lord has done in her heart.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2 Years Ago Today...

I married my best friend

Who loves to laugh and makes me laugh

He has filled my life with much joy!

I am looking forward to many more years together!

February 16, 2008

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Friday!

We are enjoying some fun Friday snow at my parent's house!

The yard is becoming a winter wonderland and the snow is still falling!

I remember when this tree was just barely taller than I was.

The yard friends are all dressed in white!

Wishing you a warm, cozy and fun Friday!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Meatless Mondays

Lately we have started a trend of eating meatless meals on Mondays. It has been good to try some fun new recipes, not to mention the fact that its easy on the budget. Last Monday, I made these Super Bean Burritos and they were just that- SUPER!

They tasted great and we loved having them on hand in the freezer for easy to pack lunches and quick meals. We thought they were so good in fact, that I made a HUGE batch last night using brown rice and a bunch of pinto beans that I soaked and cooked this weekend. Our freezer is now stocked with 3 of these bags full of individually wrapped burritos.

Tonight I made Crustless Spinach, Onion and Feta Quiche from BakingBites.com. It was delicious...very quick, easy and tasty! I certainly recommend it. If you are looking for a quick meal idea than this a keeper. It took about 35 minutes and it's a great base recipe that could easily be altered to accommodate whatever "fillings" you have on hand.

Ronnie declared that it was most definitely a "make again" meal.

Have any other meatless meal ideas for me to try?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Lesson Learned

About a year ago I was sitting in church and glanced down at my hands and stopped a moment to admire my engagement and wedding rings. The fact that I had them cleaned the day before at the jeweler's, combined with the church lights made it especially sparkly! Suddenly though, I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. A tiny side diamond was missing! I quickly looked at my other rings and found that on my right hand I was missing a little sapphire. I was so disappointed and upset. Apparently the stones had become loose and then after the cleaning at some point the stones had fallen out. Both were replaced, but not without some waiting and funds.

I have learned my lesson: get the jeweler to examine those rings periodically to check for loose stones. I went last week and had mine looked at and sure enough there was a little diamond starting to get loose in my wedding band. I left it and now its as good as new- much simpler than getting the stone replaced.

So let this be a lesson to you as well- get your bling a check up...it only takes a few minutes, but it's worth it!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Decorations Done!

Well the decorations for the church Father/Daughter Banquet are finally done and in place. Now the lights just need to be dimmed and the candles lit and they can enjoy their little Cornish hens and dancing :)

Ronnie climbed an extremely tall ladder and hung things from the ceiling for me. He was a huge help! He also filled balloons which you can see in the background for the photo shoot area.

The serving line is ready for the food.

30 corsages await 30 little wrists

Hopefully a good time will be had by all. I hear the night will involve eating, a dance off, valentine card making, and finger nail painting. Too cute!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Posie Update!

The decorations for the church Father/Daughter Valentine's banquet are coming along- thanks to the help of so many friends and family! I couldn't be getting all this done without all the help and I am so grateful!!

Our living room has been turned into craft central, thanks to a card table set up in the middle of it.

About 200 posies are made! The corsages are halfway done and I still have 35 tissue paper puff balls to go but I am encouraged! I am enjoying it and hanging out with people while putting it all together has been the best part.