So what has been going on lately aside from work, house hunting, surviving a wretched stomach virus and growing a baby?! We were excited to find out at our last appointment that baby is a BOY and is doing well! He has been kicking up a storm and we already love him so much.
He has joined me in lots of dancing lately. This is a really busy season for Math in Motion shows and I have enjoyed going into elementary schools and performing. The kids are always so excited and enjoy the show. The extra money that I make doing it has sure been nice too.
I am also getting ready to perform in the upcoming Sanspointe concert on March 8, 9, and 10. I will be in a new piece entitled "Sweet." I get to share the stage with 2 other moms and their small children and they are so cute. We are also sharing the concert with a company from North Caroline, code f.a.d. Tickets can be purchased
here. Hope you can make it!
Aaron has been busy with school. This has been a challenging year for him to say the least. I am so proud of his perseverance. He has also been working out diligently as he participates in CrossFit with some other male coworkers. Aaron also entered some model airplanes into a competition recently.
He came home with 2 first prizes and a second place prize in different categories. Way to go Aaron!
And finally, remember the coffee table that I bought back in the summer for $10 at Salvation Army? Probably not! I sanded it back in the summer, but sadly I let it sit in my parent's basement for WAY too long.
Well, it is finally finished and we love it! Take a look at the before pics:
Nice shape and very solid wood, but lots of scratches and dings.
Our living room with the perfect empty spot for the table:
And finally the finished product in place:
A special thanks to my dad and Aaron who finished up the project for me so I didn't have to breath the paint and stain fumes. I love it!!